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We Asked AI to Predict the Bike Industry in 2024, but Ron’s Not so Sure…

AI CyclistWhat AI imagines a futuristic cyclist to look like.
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This time of year, it’s common to see a number of posts predicting what the bike industry will send our way in 2024. Most of these articles are written by industry experts who have been around long enough to somewhat accurately predict what’s coming next. But what happens when you ask artificial intelligence to predict the bicycle future? That’s right, this is a list that’s been generated by our good ol’ buddy, AI.

Well, this ought to be good.

I mean, I’m a fan of AI (that’s “Artificial intelligence” kids), when it comes to Google Assistant on my phone or at home to turn on and off the lights or pull up a recipe. But an AI-generated bike industry prediction list? What’s that even going to look like?

And just to calm everyone down, this article is, in no way, an endorsement or a nod to the use of AI-generated content. It’s just for some fun, you know, some S n’ G’s (that’s shits and giggles, kids).

So, to be clear, I will be commenting on what AI thought 2024 would look like in the bike world.

Let’s get bananas!

The question that we asked AI: “What are some wild predictions for the bike industry in 2024?”


AI Said: (you have to use your robot voice to read): Imagine bikes that use advanced levitation technology, allowing them to hover above the ground. While this may seem like something out of science fiction, breakthroughs in anti-gravity or magnetic propulsion systems could lead to the development of hoverbikes.

Ron Says: Let’s talk about the jet packs and flying cars that we were promised when we were kids…let’s tackle that issue first, then we can talk about hoverbikes.

Augmented Reality (AR) Cycling

AI: AR integration in cycling gear, such as smart helmets and glasses, could provide cyclists with real-time information about their surroundings, navigation assistance, and performance metrics displayed directly in their field of view.

Ron: This would be pretty cool. I mean, not for me though… I don’t need a “heads-up display” to tell me how slow I’m going, although turn-by-turn directions might be neato. And a “smart helmet” with some built-in commuter safety, like working brake lights and turn signals… I dunno, I’m just spit-ballin’ with AI.

This isn’t that far-fetched as we’ve already seen a number of smart glasses and smart helmets that offered this to some extent.

Self-Repairing Bike Frames

AI: Advanced materials and nanotechnology might lead to bike frames that can self-repair minor damages. Imagine a bike frame with the ability to mend small cracks or scratches on its own, extending the lifespan of the bicycle.

Ron: Quit buying plastic bikes, and this becomes a non-issue. Just sayin’. #ridemetal

Biometric Integration

AI: Bikes equipped with biometric sensors could provide real-time health and performance data for riders. This data could be used to optimize training, track fitness levels, and even alert emergency services in case of a medical emergency.

Ron: This could be (or already is) done, to an extent through your bike’s computer with body sensors and whatnot… right? Next.

Solar-Powered E-Bikes

AI: Integration of solar panels into bike frames or accessories could provide a continuous source of power for electric bikes. This innovation might extend the range of e-bikes and reduce dependency on traditional charging methods.

Ron: I got nothin’ for this one… it’s a solid idea. I mean the solar panels would have to be pretty big (I would imagine) to hold the capacity to continually charge the bike. Good one, AI!

Personalized 3D-Printed Bikes

AI: Advances in 3D printing technology could lead to the creation of fully customizable, personalized bikes. Riders might be able to design their own bike frames, choosing materials, shapes, and features tailored to their specific preferences and needs.

Ron: LOL, could you imagine what we’d see on the trails and roads… as if designing and producing a bike is easy and anyone with a 3D printer could get it done. I fear everything would end up looking like this. Rejected!

Smart Bike Networks

AI: Enhanced connectivity could lead to the development of smart bike networks. Bikes could communicate with each other and with traffic infrastructure to optimize traffic flow, enhance safety, and reduce congestion in urban areas.

Ron: This tech is really on the way. Tyler wrote a story about something similar last year. This would be awesome if this came to fruition. Good guess AI!

Invisible Bike Gear

AI: Utilizing advanced materials, bike gear like helmets and protective clothing could become nearly invisible, providing a sleek and stylish look while maintaining high levels of safety and functionality.

Ron: Well, I’m not sure what AI is smokin’ on this one. But combining the words “cycling” and “invisible” makes me cringe. I get what AI’s sayin’ here, but I think we are a little far from safety gear that disappears or is unnoticeable while being worn by the user. Not quite, AI…

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1 month ago

“Invisible Bike Gear” Not sure I’m ready for the Emperors new bibs & jerseys. Stylish is the last thing I would look like in those.

1 month ago

cyclists of the future will ride with their saddles at least 12 inches too low

1 month ago
Reply to  ricky

That has been a guideline for some time in Japan – “…make sure that both feet can touch the ground while sitting.” https://www.npa.go.jp/koutsuu/kikaku/trafficsafety/traffic_safety_english.pdf

1 month ago

And what happens when, not if, the “smart bike network” get hacked?

1 month ago

A while ago I was contacted by a firm to give them insights into the bicycle tyre market. They´re developing self-repairing inner and outer tyres….

1 month ago
Reply to  Kurt


30 days ago

The heads-up glasses are about the only viable thing here. Doing away with the computer and mount out front would make those expensive integrated bar/stems actually GET the aero gains bike makers claim for them.

30 days ago
Reply to  Jeffie

HUD glasses already exist.

30 days ago

AI obviously doesn’t know about the UCI.

30 days ago

You made me laugh out loud Ron! Well good Sir. Great questions and retorts. You the Man of the Future! \m/, Cheers!

22 days ago

AI on the fly bike fit optimization.

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